Monday, February 29, 2016

Leap Year! Extra Day!

I woke up thinking that I should make this day special, even though it's a Monday following a really fun weekend, and I have to commute and work all day.

I thought about coming to the end of my life, and someone handing me a brand new day at this point in time, when I'm young and healthy and almost always in a good mood.

If I didn't have to work, how would I spend such a day? I'd spend it camping somewhere in the deep forest, maybe in Maine, surrounded by hills and valleys and sounds and smells. I'd get up early, get that strong coffee going on my little stove, eat some doughnuts (why not?), braid my hair, get dressed, and grab my camera and pack and hit some trails with Larry. We'd picnic somewhere sunny, eating all kinds of good and bad-for-you foods. We'd come back late afternoon, and we'd change into swim gear and take a dive in the lake or a waterfall. Then we'd get cleaned up and drive into town to eat at a burger joint or lobster pound. Sometime between eating and driving, we'd catch a sunset! Then we'd come back to the camp and have a fire and s'mores. Then we'd take a walk to a clearing, lay down a blanket and do some stargazing. Then we'd go to bed and read til we fell fast asleep.

But like I said, this is Monday, in February, in Indiana, and I have to work.

Well, then, I will keep my thoughts pleasant and positive. I'll do my work and leave some time for daydreaming. I daydreamed about our next vacation. I think it's going to be Glacier 2.0. I felt worn out after our Glacier trip fell through last year, and I've been thinking I just want to sit on a beach and have someone bring me food and drink. But. I know better than that. I know that we need to get back out to Wild, U.S.A. I looked up a few places, and I think this time we will not plan on camping. We'll rent houses or cabins. It will be a lot more expensive, but it will allow us to go in September, when the crowds will significantly thin. 

Tonight, I'll get home and take a long walk. Then I'll make a nice dinner--I'm thinking falafel and couscous sounds good. Then I'll work out. Then I'll read in bed. 

I am jumping for joy over this leap year!

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