Monday, October 12, 2015

Hey, A Lost Post! ...Say Nice Things About...

From the Midsummer Mindset, sometime July or August
(forgot to finish?)
Found this lost post that was unfinished, so I tried to finish it.

Thrush. That's the first word that popped into my head as I pondered summer. It made me think of the wood thrush whose flute-like clear-as-a-bell song could be the soundtrack of growing up in and around the woods. It sounds like "rush," with the "th..." slowing you down, reminding you take in the details. It's a truly fine word to say, so I looked up the meaning to see what it means.

Well, it is actually the name of genital venereal disease, it turns out.

So strike all that, and I'll start over.

Flooowuuushhhhhh. Here's a sound, not a word, suggesting flight or flash motion and putting on the brakes at just the right moment. (And no painful burning or itching "down there.")

So here I am, trying to slow things down a little bit, which is not easy for someone like me, who has Type A guilt with Type B personality...meaning, I feel like I should be a task master, but I've been a daydreamer since I can remember. It's hard for me to discern sometimes if I am relaxing and regrouping or if I'm just off in la-la land. Meanwhile, the taskmaster takes her list and checks it twice.

This summer, I failed at gardening. AGAIN. I used to rock this, but ever since I purchased my current dwelling 15 years ago, my gardens have been infecund! Yes, that is a word. I typed non-productive into, and this was an entry, and what an entry, since fecund is all about fertility.

***Here is where the post abruptly ended. I will attempt to finish it although it will veer from the original Post title "Say Nice Things About..." which was going to be a post about a super fun trip we took to the Motor City this past July. I'd rather finish the post when I have photos. Wait, I didn't take many photos because we went to a lot of museums, and pictures aren't allowed.

I remember I left off the "Detroit" part (this a somewhat of a grassroots PR campaign that caught on and is working) because I remember distinctly wanting to say more nice things in life, about life, particularly mine. I like that sentiment, so I'm glad I found this post.

I've decided that Say Nice Things About [My Life] will be my campaign for the next thirty days. That's a charge that Type B Daydreamer should be able to pursue while keeping Type A Taskmaster happy.

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