Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Keep Smiling July

Had a nice hike in Eagle Creek with friend, Amanda

Went to an in-store concert of Ben Watt (Everything But the Girl) at LUNA with Andre. I felt some emotions get sirred around that haven't stirred in oh-so-long.

(Question for myself--did you put music in the same corner of the attic that you put theater?)

Went to Michigan for the 4th with Larry.

Started out at Grand Mere. Water level so high that half the beach has been washed away. Same thing as last year. Larry had trouble traversing the jagged rocks and jetty and then got soaked. (We were both in clothes instead of bathing suits because the weather was a bit nippy.) On the way back, I decided to try to scale the rocks so he wouldn't have to cross the jetty, when all a sudden he saw an opening in the tide and went dashing through. I jumped off the rocks onto the sand and chased after him. It felt like a scene from a movie as we raced against the rushing tide. Both laughing. Hearts pounding. So playful. One of those moments I can add to my life film montage. The beach was so pretty and desolate and storm-tossed.

Later, we helped my dad get his boat back to the dock, which required some manuevering and sneaking around to avoid some fees from both the marina and the DNR, and the police. Leave it to my dad to make a simple job feel like high crime. After successfully getting the boat launched then safely back to port, I have to say that my dad's appreciation and approval of Larry rose a few marks.

Next day we decided to walk the pier and hang out on Silver Beach, where there is still some beach. We wound up eating at Silver Beach Pizza with no wait because we got there just as it was opening. It's our favorite pizza joint! We had a fun time walking around the beach. The town is turning into a tourist T-shirt trap.

Later, we took the boat out. We wanted to take it out to Lake Michigan to watch the sunset, but we drove past Larry's buddy's marina on the way their and tethered in. Had a lot of laughs, and I love tos see Larry so happy. Saw a pretty sunset on the river instead. That night I got sick. Could one beer at noon and one glass of wine at 8 really make me puke? Am I really becoming this intolerant of alcohol? I suppose this is a good thing, but it didn't seem right. I had a few half glasses when we had dinner for Ralf & Jim, and I didn't get sick. But I'd been having bad headaches for weeks, and the week before, I woke up dizzy.

Next day we went to Grand Mere again, chairs, running shoes, and books in tow. Beautiful day. I took pics to prove it. Later we met my mom and dad and my nieces and nephews at the marina and took the kids tubing and skiing. 

That evening, we had an early 50th Bday party for Earl. It was Larry's first time seeing my mother's bizarre sense of humor as it pertains to "gifts." It was fun watching Earl surrounded by family. We skipped the fireworks. We didn't want to deal with crowds, and my head was killing me. I was starting to worry that I had been having too many severe headaches. 

Monday night I began to feel sick, and Tuesday morning I was flat out--the damn vertigo had returned. I used to get it frequently early 2000s, then it went away for over a decade. Now I've had it three times in the past two years. This was the worst one yet. I was puny for a week after. Larry stayed with me all week and took care of me.

Next weekend we went to my friend Heather's bday party. Had dinner at Michele's and Eric's place prior then a campfire after. I was still not 100%.

I had dinner with Jodee one night last week.

This weekend I went to Larry's and Abby and I stayed four nights. He dotes on us.  He cooks and looks after us. We went running, biking, swimming, out to dinner, and discussed our upcoming trip.

That's the big surprise--

Last Sunday of June, Larry surprised me by booking passage on a small luxry ocean vessel, sailing 10 days from Venice to Athens, stopping in between at Slovenia, Croatia, and Montenegro. We added a week prior to embarking--flying into Rome, then added on four days after--staying on a romantic Greek Island!

Summer is going fast. The storms keep killing my gorgeous flowers. I have lots of hummingbirds this year. 

This morning I took a walk and saw two rainbows.

Courthouse Official Monday, January 22, 2024 Miami Beach City Hall Wedding #1!

Driving down south to see friends in Georgia and Larry's step brother in FL before arriving to South Beach. Left during a blizzard, whic...