Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Oh the Places We Go Now that We Can't Go Anywhere!

Started July 2020 / Picked up January 2021
The city "opened up" (that's what they're calling it) again to much fanfare, but we want nothing to do with crowds of mouth-breathing Trumpsters and self-proclaimed Constitution defenders.

I took a camping trip at Drunk Monkey Gardens and even found some lovely new eateries very close to our house.

We also spent five nights at my folks' lake house.

Independence Day weekend was nice, too. Had a half a day off Thursday and all day Friday. I worked in the garden and flower beds, and we grilled burgers and chicken, and I made salads from our garden, and I used the rhubarb we bought a farm stand and the tart cherries I picked from Michigan to make a tasty tart dessert. We also sliced open the first watermelon of the season. We watched Hamilton, and I liked it very much. But I loved the documentary we watched on the Grand Canyon. Fourth of July, all the neighbors put on pretty decent fireworks displays. It was kind of nice.

Despite all of the bad things happening with the virus and the riots, Larry and I have been really enjoying our summer. Nothing heroic. Just bike rides, and hikes, and working in the garden, and cooking.

Honeysuckle Bistro. Enjoying some homemade Gazpacho.

Pine Tree Pub, enjoying some homemade pizza.

Sweet Spot Tea Room

Firefly Boutique Hotel

Kitty Cat Casbah

Hiking the trails near Drunk Monkey Gardens

Sunset on Summer Solstice

Loading up our bikes at Eagle Creek. Beautiful, clear, sunny evenings, sun rays dappling through the trees, timid deer peering at us behind branches. I said to Larry on our long and languid bike ride, "This feels like a date!"

And that was my second vacation in June. First at Shades, second at  Drunk Monkey Garden. 

And third and fourth at Indian Lake in Jun3 and August.

A walk on the pier at Tiscornia after exploring Rocky Gap / Higman Park. If we we ever move to Michigan, we'd move to Higman Park.

I loved taking long walks in the country, taking in the beauty of the dense forests and colorful wildflowers along the road.

Freshly picked tart cherries from Tree-Mendous, and rhubarb from the the vegetable stand down the road from the lake house.

They didn't want their picture taken, so here's a substitute. 

Nice waterfront pub with grilled cheese and local beer.

Out for a spin

Rain and fog, pea soup

Sandhill cranes in the fields

I had a few dinner parties on the deck. Ralf & Jim in July, Eric and Michele in August, Ralf and Jim in September, Adrienne and Rob in September, Sandy and Dave in October.

I made awesome sauce, literally. Chimichurri, Salsa Verde, and Velvety Avocado. I learned how to grill cabbage steaks and butternut squash and skewers of beef and chicken and grilled peaches with mozzarella cheese, and gazpacho from the garden and Greek salad from the garden. Can't get more local!

Making salsa verde with peppers and tomatillos and sautéed sqaush blossoms 

Roasting the garlic, peppers, and tomatillos

Swiss chard, rocket greens, bitter crunch, green peppers, zuc, and cuke

Roasting the Romas to make the marinara

using fresh Oregano

and fresh basil

Chicken sopa with green sauce

I got very good at making zucchini bread


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