Friday, April 3, 2015

Christians who HATE together STAY together: Assholicans and the RFRA in Indiana

In not so good news, the Republicans tried to ruin our state by passing an inflammatory "religious freedom" (RFRA) law that was a thinly disguised excuse for bigots to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. See, it's not their wish to discriminate; God makes them do it. They do it for God. Because this is the shit God cares about. 

One idiotic family owned pizzeria in Walkerton called Memories Pizz made waves when they said they *would* serve gay people pizza for everyday eating needs, but not, they repeat, NOT at gay weddings. 

So as long a couple is merely gay dating and gay fornicating they will serve that couple. But if that gay couple wants to take an oath of matrimony, they *cannot* serve them, because they fear that Jesus will send them packing at the Pearly Gates for breaking the Eleventh and *most important* commandment: 

Thus sayeth the Lord: "And don't be serving no queers no pizza at their wedding reception, neither!" 

Problem is, gay people would never serve pizza a their weddings, not even lesbians! 

The idiotic family decided to close up shop for one day because critics (and one idiot who made a joke on twitter about firebombing the place) boycotted their shitty pizzeria. Fox News then jumped in and started a fund raiser, and idiots around the country who supposedly love Jesus gave this family over $900,000 for that one day they couldn't serve pizza to anyone, gay or otherwise. 

While children die of cancer and go hungry, they gave this family nearly a million dollars for spewing their bigotry.

Before the asshole governor Mike Pence signed the piece-of-shit-waste-of-time legislation, he received letters from our city's top employers (SalesFORCE and Eli Lily to name two) and investors and convention organizers (including NCAA and Gen Con--$50 million in revenue to the city over three days) all of whom stated that they could not in good conscience bring business to Indy, where their employees and convention participants would be lawfully discriminated against or harassed. 

He signed it anyway, and when the companies started making good on their promises, he blamed the media.

Republicans scrambled, as well they should, when locals began boycotting the businesses owned by the authors and supporters of the bill (one good thing about social media!), and reluctantly added verbiage specifically protecting individuals from discrimination. 

The good that came from this is that Pence most likely will not run for president, and it is hoped he will not run for or be elected again as governor, but who knows. Republicans that hate together stay together.

Republicans playing God faced the wrath of people who know exactly how Jesus felt about hating one's neighbor, and once again have been ousted for the bigots and cowards that they are. Perhaps this will create longer lines at the polls next time around!

However, significant damage to our reputation as the Hospitality State and to our economic sustainability and development have been severely damaged. Pence made himself a laughingstock several times on national television, even being the sole topic of David Letterman's nefarious Top Ten list.

So let's set the record straight. 

Like every state, Indiana has its share of right wing white supremacist religious assholes. They will tell you they are not that, that they in fact love the sinner but merely hate his/her sin, but they are that. They continue to threaten the rights of women, minorities, and gays.

But here's the real head scratcher: Businesses who want their right to discriminate to be protected are seeing themselves as the persecuted, even comparing themselves to the Jews in Germany circa 1939. 

These assholes represent a small fraction (as it were, the fraction that actually votes) of whom we are. We are human beings who will not tolerate discrimination. In history class, we learned how Germans just let the Nazis go ahead and take over because the truth is, they didn't exactly love it that the Jews seemed to have all the money and all the breaks. We were abhorred and shocked, and we learned from their mistakes. We learned to keep a keen eye out for discrimination. Where signs once ready "No Jews," or "No Coloreds," they now can read "No gays." 

We are Indiana. There are more than bigots in Indiana.

Taking a cue from Twisted Sister, "We're not gonna take it anymore." 

Anti Rant: Isn't it nice when rock stars pen lyrics that are grammatically correct?

Favorite editorial in NUVO:

Jeez, Everyone On the Planet - Quit Perceiving Stuff Bad!
Posted By Roy Hobbson on Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 10:51 AM

"The language wasn't needed to clarify the [Religious Freedom Restoration Act] legally. It was needed for the perception." 

-Brian Bosma

Valid point, Brian Bosma!! Exept, wait ... uh-oh. I am misperceiving stuff again, I AM SUCH A STUPID!! Eric Miller of Advance America - who helped guide the RFRA & said that "[b]anning same-sex marriages and civil unions will prove to be the greatest moral battle of this generation" - he does not seem happy this morning!! He thinks that all this unneeded "clarifying perceptions" legislative fluff will actually destroy his Right to discriminate/not-photograph homo weddings for profit, which is what everyone on Earth misperceived the original intent of RFRA to mean too:

If my misperceptions are true - and they're NOT, probably! - it seems as though the totally chill peeps who "abhor discrimination" and promoted the RFRA to "protect their religious freedom" (WINK WINK!!) are super pissed that now they don't get to do discrimination on people (which they abhor, btw), which is what the RFRA was totally not-designed to do in the first place, duh! My brain is tired and hurt-y.

You win again Big Gay, making us misperceive stuff that we all understood to be entirely what it actually was, GO BACK TO YOUR HOME ON GAY ISLAND!!

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