Saturday, December 30, 2023

Surprise! Marriage Proposal on a Grey and Weary Winter's Day

 December 27

Home from a monotonous drive from Michigan on a tired, dreary, post-Christmas Wednesday, late afternoon Indiana grey day. Just want to unpack and retire to the couch with snacks and shows.

Larry suggests going to Eagle Creek to catch the sunset, one of our traditions. We live near one of the only places in all of Indiana where you can watch the sun set on the water. I didn't feel like it but figured he'd forget later.

He didn't forget. I demurred. He persisted. How could I say no to those blue eyes who were so happy to go do one our things?

The second I stepped into the forest, I instantly felt relief from sluggishness and potential post-holiday blues. A little spring in step, deep breaths of clean air into my lungs. "This was a good idea," I said as a means of gratitude.    

We climbed the sunset deck and watched the steely water meet the moody, marbled sky, and he asked, "Have you chosen your top three of the year yet?"

"Yes," I said. 

He said, "I think you're missing one."

"I don't think so," I said.

"How about the time I told I love you?"

"Which time?"

"The time I said that I love you and want to spend my life with you."

"I don't remember that." But then I suddenly realized what was happening. I stared at the water, unable to move or blink.

"The time I asked you to marry me."

I sort of came to and realized, I should at least face him and look at him while he's talking to me.

I turned and he said, "Will you marry me, Amy?" and pulled a gold wrapped box from his pocket.

And I said, "I need to sit down."

And he said, "Good, because I messed it up."  

I sat on the bench, took a deep breath, and asked, "Can you say it all again?"

He got on one knee And he said, "I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me, Amy?" 

"Yes, of course I will!" I cried.

I opened the gold wrapped box and found a blue velvet box inside, and inside the blue velvet box was a gorgeous ring with a big pink stone. "It's a pink sapphire," he said. It was white gold and had diamonds along the band. The most absolutely beautiful and unique ring I have ever seen.

He then pulled out his Masters' green aluminum tumbler and two shot glasses from his fleece pocket, and poured out some white wine from the box in our fridge.

All of these details matter. He had to make it a surprise.

It wasn't a surprise. It was a shock.

I couldn't believe it. We were engaged.

Some people walked by below us, and I called out, "We just got engaged!"

Larry surprised with a marriage proposal after nearly 14 years together.

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