Wednesday, April 6, 2016

A New Name! This Lady is a TRAMP!

My blog needs a new name.

When I started it four years ago, "Journey" was not a buzzword and not a popular name of Gen Y-er's kids. (The "Ashley" of the TwoThousandTeens) So I've changed my name to Trip. (It was short notice. I could change it again.)

I really like Journey In Place. I came up with the name and the idea, and I still live by it. (On days I remember to live. What? Some days I go into AutoPilot. Shame on me.) But I sound like a damn wannabe with this name Journey. I sound like I read cute little helpful watered-down inspirational books available at Wal-Mart. I do not read cute little inspirational books! I hate cute inspiration!

To be completely honest, though, I don't always 100% hate Wal-Mart, so there. Sometimes the place is damn handy, especially late at night when I need emergency frijoles negros, wiper blades, a phone charger, and a cute hoodie on clearance for $5. name? Brainstorming...

Earth Tripper

Earth to Me

How To...(Fill in the Blank)

Station Wagon Kid (I'm not a kid)

Stories from the Station Wagon (I don't actually have a station wagon.)

So I types "Journey" into (a writer's favorite website), and I find the gem--


I've heard of Vagabond.

But truth be told, I've never heard of VagabondAGE!

It is the most contradictory word I've ever seen--one part meaning transient and one part meaning stuck!



wandering from place to place without any settled home; nomadic:
a vagabond tribe.
leading an unsettled or carefree life.
disreputable; worthless; shiftless.
of, relating to, or characteristic of a vagabond:
vagabond habits.
having an uncertain or irregular course or direction:
a vagabond voyage.

I am sort of aimless, truth be told.

I don't know where I'm going.

(Must not follow up with Whitesnake lyric, "But I do know where I've been...")


Irregular. Yes.
Unsettled. Hmm. Sort of.
I started this blog as a means to help myself feel more settled.
Carefree. Well to some people I probably seem carefree because I do not have children. But I care, people! I care! About Stuff! All Kinds of it!

Okay, Definition 3, I really don't need your judgement! But, hell. Why lie? Who here actually knows me? Might as well tell the truth. I have at one time or another in minute degrees been or felt   "disreputable," "worthless," and "shiftless."

Here's another doozy of a word to describe this whole business! Oh words, I love you so!


travel from one place to another, especially on foot.
a course of travel; journey.
Is it the opposite of Origination?

A synonym is to vagabond is


I like Tramp.

It can be a noun or a verb.

I like it when one word can be both.

I like the verb:

to walk steadily; march; trudge.

I like TRAMP as a name.

But so would some UNSAVORY types.

So Trip it is.

It works.

I take trips.
What a trip.
As a verb, I trip a lot, literally and metaphorically.

(Must not follow up with lyric by mid-nineties song by band whose name I never bothered to learn that goes "but I get up again, you ain't never gonna keep me down." Oh wait. I don't often GET knocked down. I more often do that to myself. I trip. I'm a tripper. A Day Tripper.

Day By Day Tripping with the Tramp

No, wait!

It's not TRIP anymore.

It's now Peregrine!

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